Büttner involved with flash tube dryer and energy plant: First MDF board at Mekong

Krefeld, July 03rd 2024 – Milestone for the new Siempelkamp plant at Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company: On June 3rd, the Vietnamese company produced the first board at its location in the district of Cam Khe in the province of Phu Tho. Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company, previously known in the market for the trade with wood-based panels, is paving its way into the production of wood-based panels with this plant.

First board at Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company, in the center Le Thi Lien and Doan Van Tinh (2nd and 3rd from left, both shareholders) with Nguyen Ngoc Son (4th from left, General Director and shareholder)

Krefeld, July 03rd 2024 – Milestone for the new Siempelkamp plant at Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company: On June 3rd, the Vietnamese company produced the first board at its location in the district of Cam Khe in the province of Phu Tho. Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company, previously known in the market for the trade with wood-based panels, is paving its way into the production of wood-based panels with this plant.

For its entry into the production of wood-based panels, the Vietnamese company chose Siempelkamp as a partner in 2022 – not least because of Siempelkamp's excellent reputation in the Southeast Asian market.

Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company called on Siempelkamp's strength as a system supplier for the wood-based panel industry for this project. From the planning and supply of the entire process technology to the supervision of the installation and the start-up of the complete plant, the full range of services of the Siempelkamp Group is represented. In addition to Siempelkamp's machine and plant engineering, CMC, Sicoplan and Pallmann are involved in the plant concept with their core competencies. Büttner delivered a flash tube dryer (2.5 x 6.5/2) and an energy plant.

The ContiRoll® in 8' x 47.1 m format is the core of the system. It contains the NEO press infeed, a special infeed geometry that is specially designed for processing acacia. This order was the second time that the concept was requested by a Vietnamese customer. The extended, highly flexible infeed heating platen makes it easier to de-aerate the mat. It also prevents blow-outs and steel belt damage, even at high production speeds. This system design significantly increases availability, capacity and operational reliability.

The EcoScan NEO measuring system for the forming line has also been installed in the meantime. It provides plant operators with two key benefits: high-resolution analysis of the weight-per-unit-area distribution and reliable tramp material detection directly after the pre-press.

The MDF plant has an annual capacity of over 400,000m³. The thickness range of the boards is focused on 15 to 17 mm, a range of 3.5 to 32 mm is possible. The feed material is largely made up of the local raw materials acacia and eucalyptus.

"We are delighted to have managed this project well, quickly and successfully together with our customer under difficult conditions – e.g. delivery bottlenecks – to achieve a successful commissioning. Thank you for this great collaboration!" says Project Manager Holger Jansen. Ulrich Kaiser, Head of Sales Siempelkamp, adds: “This order confirms once again that we enjoy an excellent reputation in the Vietnamese market. The MDF plant for Mekong Wood MDF Joint Stock Company is the 6th that Vietnamese customers have requested from us so far. The trust that our customers there place in Siempelkamp technology and our team is a great compliment and an incentive for us to continue our full commitment!“