Our experts are deployed worldwide to install, commission, and service burners, dryers, and energy systems.
We are your reliable partner to provide a whole lot more than just drying and energy systems:
We work closely together with you on-site to make sure your plant is correctly installed and optimally put into operation. We will regularly maintain your system, including modernization, performance upgrades, and enlargements.
We maintain value and optimize system availability
Safeguard your investment. To guarantee you a high level of long-term availability, we offer you comprehensive service throughout the entire life cycle of your system:
- Regular inspections of dryer systems and energy plants as well as environmental technology plants
- Annual servicing of your burner systems
- Analysis, adjustment, and optimization of process data
- Installation and supervision of all conversion measures and spare parts deliveries
- On-site consultation to address problems such as performance, wear, emissions, contamination, etc.
- On-site problem management training for your staff at your facility
- We also prepare expert reports for authorities and insurance companies upon request
Csutomized maintenance contracts and spare parts packages
We measure and analyze your process data and regularly inspect your systems, which means we know them from the ground up.
This enables us to advise you early on preventative measures and draw up maintenance contracts that sustain the value of your plant and ensure optimum availability before problems arise.